ADSERO Acts as Egyptian Local Counsel to Telecom Egypt on a USD 200 MN Loan Extended by Banque Misr UAE

May 29, 2024

We are proud to announce that ADSERO - Ragy Soliman & Partners has acted as the Egyptian Local Counsel to Telecom Egypt (TE), the country's full-service telecom operator, on a USD 200 million loan extended by Banque Misr UAE as Lender, Mandated Lead Arranger, and Facility Agent.

Our team was led by Hossam Gramon, Partner; Karima Seyam, Senior Associate; Aya Badr, Associate; and Junior Associates Nour Osama and Mostafa Khaled.

We had the pleasure of working alongside our esteemed colleagues at Reed Smith LLP, the International Counsel to TE, Khaled El Bialy, CEO at Banque Misr UAE, Khaled Nabil, Head of Wholesale Banking Group at Banque Misr, UAE, Addleshaw Goddard, Dubai, the International Counsel of Banque Misr, UAE and Shalakany, Local Counsel to Banque Misr, UAE. 

Congratulations to our client TE and all the talented teams involved in continuing this transaction's success.

For more information, check out TE's coverage here.


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