A recent ministerial decree dated 11 July 2021 issued by the Minister of Finance is considered of great importance as it sets out new requirements related to the advertisement of goods and services as well as any other taxable activities, whereby these advertisements shall include the unified tax registration number of the concerned taxpayer. This decree creates new obligations on both individual and corporate taxpayers.
This brief highlights the decree’s main features.
Entry into force
The decree was issued on the 11th of July and was published on the same day in the Official Gazette and has been enforced as of the 12th of July.
Key provisions
The ministerial decree stipulates three main obligations:
- On one hand, the taxpayer shall, when advertising for goods and services that he sells or provides or any other taxable activity which he undertakes, disclose his unified tax registration number. This requirement is mandatory whatever the mean of advertisement and whether this advertisement is carried out by the taxpayer himself or through other advertising companies and institutions.
- On the other hand, the advertising companies and institutions shall not deal with taxpayers who are requesting advertisement services except through the tax card or the tax certificate in which the unified tax registration number of the taxpayer is recorded.
- Finally, advertising companies and institutions shall clearly mention the unified tax registration number of the taxpayer on the taxpayer’s dealing documents as well as all the advertisements they are doing for his favor.